Compositing Academy Tutorial

11. July 2023

Compositing Academy recently posted a lengthy tutorial on how to make a 3D Laser Effect using the Point Render. Check it out over at

Nuke 14 splash screens featuring the Point Render.

14. January 2023

Have you seen the splash screens of Nuke14 and most of the recent promotional artwork in Foundrys presentations? It’s some of the amazing artwork done by Torbjörn Lindbäck using the Point Render.

Nuke Indie Support

9. August 2020

The Higx PointRender is powered by the BlinkScript node which is supported in Nuke Indie. This means that unlike other 3rd party NDK plugins, the point render is fully supported in Nuke Indie. For more information about Nuke Indie, go here.  

Point Expression setups by Attila Gasparetz

13. July 2020

Attila Gasparetz have made an awesome post about how you can modify shapes using the Point Expression node in some very unique and interesting ways. Head over to his site to check it out:

FXGuide article on Westworld featuring the PointRender

21. May 2020

FXGuide recently featured an article on the vfx amazing work done on HBO’s Westworld season 3. This includes some details on how the Higx Point Render was used for some of the work. Check it out over at:  

Xavier Martín’s experiment breakdowns.

10. March 2019

Xavier Martín have made some awesome experiments with the PointRender that is featured in the main trailer. You can check out a breakdown of his work right here: